Maxima Cheat Sheet
Solving exponential equations
Maximas solve cannot handle exponential equations. However, it converts them into a form which can be used further by taking the logarithm of both sides. Make sure to set 'logexpand' to 'all':
f(x):=a*2^((x-2)/2)+2; g(x):=b*3^((x-4)/5)+1; solve(f(x)=g(x),x); x - 4 x - 2 ----- ----- 5 2 b 3 - 1 (%o8) [2 = ------------] a logexpand:all; solve(log(solve(f(x)=g(x),x)),x); x/5 - 4/5 2 log(b 3 - 1) - 2 log(a) + 2 log(2) (%o11) [x = ---------------------------------------------] log(2)
Und sonst halt mit find_root (expr, x, a, b)
Output stuff like Maxima Input
(%i14) x^2/3; 2 x (%o14) -- 3 (%i15) string(%); (%o15) x^2/3
Derivative as a new function (force evaluating the differentiation)
f(x):=a*2^((x-2)/10)+2; define(ff(x), diff(f(x),x));
Using results of solve for further computations
sol:solve(x^2-x-1=0,x); x^2-x, sol[2]; expand(%); val:x,sol[2]; /* Usable inside an expresseion: */ subst(sol[2],x);
Or even better:
rhs(sol[2]); map(rhs, sol);
Nummerically solve equations
Vector operations
load("vect"); cross(u,v):=express(u ~ v); norm(a):=sqrt(a.a); area(a,b,c):=1/2*norm(cross(b-a,c-a)); vec2eq(eq):=makelist(rhs(eq)[i]=lhs(eq)[i], i, 1, length(rhs(eq)));
Binomial Distribution
load("distrib"); pdf_binomial (25,500,0.03); cdf_binomial (25,500,0.03);